A new year is a timely reminder to reflect on our growth within the past 12 months, and develop new strategies to tackle the year ahead. Minerva Holdings is strongly committed to ensuring our students flourish on their own terms, reaching their career goals without compromising on other priorities and commitments. Our latest blog is filled with useful questions to consider when setting 2022’s resolutions, allowing you to create sustainable goals and achieve them!
Do they address your long-term goals and ambitions?
When you’re setting your career resolutions, you should be able to answer ‘why?’ Having a strong purpose or intention will help you stay motivated and take advantage of all opportunities that come your way. Just imagine how excited you’ll be when you reflect on your progression and achievements in 12 months’ time!
Do they align to your schedule?
We always appreciate that our students come from all walks of life. This may mean they have other commitments such as employment, carer duties and other personal interests. When setting your career resolutions, it’s important to determine how much time you are able to dedicate towards this new endeavour, gaining the most value out of your experience. We don’t want to sound biased, but when it comes to flexible learning, we’re certainly able to accommodate!
Will they help you achieve your desired skills?
It could be a new skill required of your chosen career, or one that benefits your current position. RTOs offer hands-on, practical learning to help our students enter their chosen career path faster. Our trainers are industry professionals who provide mentorship opportunities for your chosen career path, providing valuable insight and smarts.
Do they match your passion in life?
Life’s too short to be doing something you don’t enjoy! Minerva Holdings is proud to share that our RTOs service an impressive range of professions from beauty to hospitality and business. As a centralised business, we are able to consolidate different courses into one reliable and trusted source. To learn more about which organisations require RTO qualifications, enjoy our previous blog on upskilling with RTO education.
Ultimately, RTOs offer a flexible alternative to traditional modes of education. This is particularly ideal for students wanting to take on a new challenge while maintaining a healthy work life balance. To learn more about what an RTO education can offer, contact the friendly team at Minerva Holdings here.