An RTO owner recently asked us if hiring a new General Manager for their business would increase our interest. We assured her that any value-add to her business would be viewed favourably by Minerva Holdings, and consequently we intend on staying in touch. In this latest blog, we explore the ways owners can improve the performance and profitability of their business.
Establish an online presence
An informative website that details your service offering is essential for attracting new customers or clients. This is your first point of contact and an opportunity present a lasting first impression; a crucial step if you are intending to sell your business. Likewise, a social media suite that complements your website is also important for establishing your business’ voice and legitimacy. Prospective buyers and customers can determine if your brand is the right fit, and you in turn will attract like-minded people to your service.
Focus on upskilling your team
It’s never too early to focus on skill retention. If you plan to sell your business, having a strong team in place to run day-to-day operations will minimise disruptions to your service. This is particularly important when you have obligations to staff and students who have invested their time in your business and rely on your service to further their education.
Build relationships
It takes time to build reputation and industry recognition, which is arguably one of the most valuable assets a business has. Whether your focus is selling service offerings and product or attracting potential investors, a reliable database of customers and clients will ensure your business continues to thrive.
Reduce overhead costs
Look for opportunities to streamline your business operations and improve your bottom line. Having worked with RTOs for over 15 years, Minerva Holdings understands the common issues that challenge these businesses. One of our main offerings is a simple and cost-effective solution to business overheads. We allow RTOs to continue fostering student education and welfare, while outsourcing the weighty burden of administration and paperwork to our team.
Minerva Holdings is dedicated to supporting RTO owners through their most important business milestones. We strive to build a collaborative relationship through shared values and vision, ensuring the business reaches its full potential. To discuss your next steps, reach out to the Minerva Holdings team here.